The Benefits of Sharing Your Experiences With Others

HDSA Support Groups are offered by HDSA Chapters, Affiliates, Regions and Centers of Excellence. Support groups can be led by a professional or by a peer (other HD family member or friend). Every support group leader is provided training by HDSA and assigned a mentor who can serve as a resource and support to the support group leader.

Support groups can offer vital emotional support along the continuum of HD, valuable advice about community-based resources as well as guidance from other support group members about many of HD’s most challenging situations. Support groups can meet monthly or quarterly depending upon the number of participants and wishes of the group. Support groups can be established for everyone in the HD community —caregivers, those living with HD, those living at risk, youth at risk, etc.

Monthly Support Group - open to caregivers and HD=
When: 2nd Wednesday of the Month
Where: Wright Congregational Church- 4821 Franklin Rd, Boise, ID 83705
Questions: please contact  Anne Spencer at

Quarterly Support Group - Caregivers Group
When: 4th Thursday from 7-9 pm in the months of January, April, July, October
Contact Nicole Todd at for location and additional questions.